This is Jobseeker's Revenge!
67% of the survey respondents say it's very or somewhat likely they'll see more employees heading for the exits in 2005 as the job market begins to improve. READ: As the Job Market Improves, Job Hopping Will Heat Up
But what if you don't do windows?
Here is a survival option for in-betweeners (in-between jobs). I scratched my head a bit when I read that $100,000.00 could be made on windows, but I could be speaking out of ignorance.
Check out some of the hype from this website and you decide.
"Let us show you how to start a BOOMING $100,000 a year window cleaning company with under $100 complete start up cost. We did (it) in 5 weeks time and want to share how easy it was with you! We promise to deliver honest and effective training packages and stand behind you 100% with LIFETIME SUPPORT!"
READ: Let us show you how to start a window cleaning business with under $100 complete start up cost
Five Misleading Myths About Getting A Job Through a Staffing Company
EXCELLENT article from Cheryl Ferguson.
She says:
I’ve talked to half a dozen college grads recently that are still unemployed six months after graduating.
Frustrated, they are not exactly sure what they want to do for a living, but they do know they "want to do something interesting," "they don’t want to be pigeonholed," and most certainly "don’t want to register with a staffing company."
Staffing companies offer candidates, from administrative assistants to CEOs, the opportunity to gain access to companies in one of two ways: on a temporary or temporary to hire basis on assignments that can last anywhere from one day to six months or longer; or on a full-time basis. According to the American Staffing Association’s website, more than 90% of companies in the US use staffing firms, and 40% of employees looking for their first job or who are reentering the job market have done so by working with a staffing company.
So let’s take a look at some of the most common and very misleading myths:
Myth #1: I only want a "real" job, not a temporary job.
Myth #2: The jobs available through staffing companies are low paying jobs.
Myth #3: Staffing companies only work with entry level, administrative type candidates.
Myth #4: Assignments only last a couple of weeks at a time at the most.
Myth #5: The temporary jobs available through staffing companies don’t offer benefits.
Check out: Five Misleading Myths About Getting A Job Through a Staffing Company
AUDIO: It could always be worse...
Ace The interview (dot com)
"Let's face it, we all have to play the game of interviewing at least once in our lifetime. "Ace The Interview" is intended to be a helpful resource for anyone who is new to the interviewing process, as well as those who just need a refresher before entering the arena once again."
Check out: Ace The Interview: Your definitive source for resume preparation, job interviews, technical questions covering java, c++, algorithms, analytical, puzzles, microsoft interview questions etc.. and more.
AUDIO: Ricky Steele and "The Heart Of Networking."
Ricky Steele is the consummate networker, who has been a client partner with Korn/Ferry International, a director for Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, Chairman and CEO of QuadBase Software, President and CEO of Innovative Media, Founder and President of SunBelt Transportation Group, and Publisher of Georgia Travel Publications, Inc.
Ricky Steele discusses his new book: "The Heart Of Networking."
One can never be too careful...
Okay, a few safety rules...
When looking for work DON'T:
apply for a job which seems to offer too much money for very little work
agree to continue the interview over drinks or a meal, even if it seems to be going very well
let the interviewer steer the conversation towards personal subjects that have nothing to do with the job
accept a lift home from the interviewer "
READ: Safe Jobsearching
Should Trump fire himself?
Trump, the developer who flaunts his brusque business style on 'The Apprentice' reality television show, last month clinched a restructuring pact with bondholders that would cut his stake in the company but preserved his role as chairman and chief executive.
Under the voluntary bankruptcy filing, Trump Atlantic City Associates, which is 99 percent owned by Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts Inc., listed $1.3 billion in debt and $1.5 million in assets. It marks the second bankruptcy for Trump's casino empire."
Blog at your own risk...
Ellen Simonetti, known as Queen of the Sky, wrote an anonymous semi-fictional account of her life in the sky. She was suspended by Delta in September.
In a statement, she said she was initiating legal action against the airline for "wrongful termination".
A Delta spokesperson confirmed on Wednesday that Ms Simonetti was no longer an employee.
Delta has repeatedly declined to elaborate on what it calls "internal employee matters".
Breakup Babe Blogs To Riches
Having your heart repeatdly broken, evidently, can be rewarding. Congratulations to Breakup Babe. She just got a book deal with Random House based on her blog. The book will be called Breaking Up, Blogging On. You go girl! Check out: Breakup Babe
A different kind of napster...
MetroNaps provides America with mid-day rest facilities: a clean, comfortable place to take a nap. MetroNaps was born from the realization that many employees spend significant amounts of their day dozing at their desk or catching powernaps in odd places. We seek to be the premier provider of professional nap centers in the United States. READ: MetroNaps
Shut Up!!!
Among more than 300 professional recruiters surveyed, 43 percent believe the most common interview error is when candidates "talk too much," followed by 33 percent who say candidates are unprepared and 24 percent who cite "over inflated ego." READ: Do You Talk Too Much?? Please... (speaking as a recruiter)
A Latina Revolution!
Hispanic women are opening businesses at a rate far higher than the national average, a new study shows. To Tina Cordova, a Hispanic entrepreneur, the reason is obvious: economic desperation. While white women in the work force make about 77 cents to every dollar earned by white men, according to data from the 2000 census, Hispanic women are paid 53 cents.
Sharon Hallingdal Is The Living Doll
Okay, if its so easy, why haven't you done it? CLICK: Sharon Hallingdal Is The Living Doll Now ask yourself, what are some simple and unique ways you can think of to generate an income between jobs?
Ummm... yeah...
This one is a head-scratcher:
"These illegal immigrants are quickly catching on to the American way, it seems: caught working 'illegally' for Wal-Mart..., these so-called 'victims' are now suing Wal-Mart for violating their civil rights!" READ: Unbelievable: illegal workers sue Wal-Mart for giving them jobs:
Sample Resume templates...
Came across this website and thought I would share. This website is full of free resume templates across multiple industries. Check out: Sample Resumes, Free Sample Resume, Resume Writing
A light at the end of the tunnel?
The number of people filing new applications last week for unemployment benefits dipped last week, offering a hopeful sign for recovery in the nation's labor market. The Labor Department (news - web sites) reported Thursday that new claims for unemployment insurance dropped by a seasonally adjusted 3,000 to 334,000 for the week ending Nov. 13. That was the lowest level since the end of October. READ: Jobless Claims Dip in Hopeful Recovery Sign
I need a nap and a vacation...
On the whole, vacation time alloted to American workers doesn't quite stack up to the amount of paid time off European workers get. A survey by, the online travel service, reveals that Americans receive 16 days off each year, but are so consumed with work that they take 14. Italians receive 42; the French, 37; Germans, 35, and South Korean and Japanese employees get 25 each. Check out: Stress, interrupted
Aerospace has more jobs than workers...
Boeing, Airbus and defense contractors all are increasing production, and "you've got to have workers to do that," said David Napier, research director for the Aerospace Industries Association.
Research what jobs are going overseas next...
This AFL-CIO database allows you to search by ZIP code, industry or company name to "find out which jobs in your community have been exported or lost due to trade." Try it: Job Tracker
Why I did not hire the 61 year-old receptionist...
My wife was about to hire a 61-year-old as receptionist....until everything went wrong in the second interview. Here are some errors to avoid, based on a real-life situation.
My wife was hiring a receptionist recently, and posted the job on Monster. She received 180 resumes the first day, I kid you not. Over 400 total. Tons of people who had held management jobs, people with advanced degrees. It was overwhelming.
One of the candidates did something interesting. She hand-delivered her resume (not sure how she got the address, even) and asked for an interview on the spot. The current receptionist, a real sweetie, was just charmed by her, and helped her get on the interview list.
This 61-year old was full of life, and did a great job on the first interview and made it to the final round with three other candidates, even though there was some 30-lb lifting (boxes of press kits) involved. She didn't get the job, which went to a highly qualified young woman who had just moved to Miami from Spain. Here's what went wrong—a cautionary tale for candidates over 60:
READ: Interview tips and lessons learned for over-60 jobseekers.
Take this jobhunt and shove it! I'm my own boss...
A few recent college graduates, including 22-year-old Noah Thomas, say the tough job market they encountered last spring also motivated them to create their own options. Thomas, who lives in Columbia, S.C., and graduated from the University of South Carolina with a degree in marketing and finance, spent about three months looking for a job with no luck.
''Nothing was happening for me,'' Thomas says. ''I didn't hear back from a lot of people didn't even know what happened to my resumes.''
So with a small amount of savings in his pocket, he started checking out less-expensive franchise options and bought into All About Honeymoons, a travel business that specializes in trips for newlyweds. As his business is getting off the ground, he's also teaching an SAT prep course to supplement his income. Nationwide, it's difficult to estimate the number of young small business owners: The federal Small Business Administration does not keep statistics by age.
But there are signs of growth. READ: Young and Self-Employed: More 20somethings finding ways to be their own boss
Outsourcing to Arkansas. I love this!
The company can offer services such as application maintenance and Internet development for roughly 40 percent less than what other domestic tech outsourcers charge, White said. Rural Sourcing's fees are about the same as the overall cost of using an Indian outsourcer, she said--if you consider factors such as communication costs, travel expenses and inconvenience. "We think we're close to their total cost of ownership,"
This is the company: Rural Sourcing, Inc.
Nerds of a feather...
If you are looking for work, these are the types of places you MUST attend. Why? No doubt recruiters will be among the crowd looking for techies that (more than likely) do not have their resumes with them, but LOVVVE what they do. In a recruiter's eyes, these passive candidates are gold. READ: Conference draws thousands of 'nerds' to the 'Burgh
I hope this catches on...
Forget the time clock, heck, forget time if you want ? just get the job done. That is the central theme of a new initiative called ROWE (Results Oriented Work Environment.) that's being implemented at the corporate headquarters of electronics retailer Best Buy. The company, based in Richfield, Minnesota, has gone beyond offering flexible schedules by attempting to create a work environment that is measured by results instead of time spent.
READ: Best Buy loosens reins on workers, offers flexible schedules
The benefits of paying benefits...
During job interviews, Louis LaPierre relishes the look on an applicant's face when he tells them that he shells out 100 percent of the health insurance premium costs for his employees and their families.
"They practically fall out of their chair," said LaPierre, owner of Accomplished Professionals, a job agency in Portland with seven employees.
300,000 more jobs and counting...
Payrolls surged in October as US employers added more than 300,000 jobs, the biggest gain in seven months and the strongest evidence yet that the economic expansion is solidly on track.Happy Days are near again?
Experience vs Education - Which one wins in an interview?
Personality may be a plus, but it won't necessarily land you the job. In a recent survey, 41 percent of chief financial officers (CFOs) said industry experience is the factor most likely to tip the scales in an applicant's favor, while only 1 percent of executives cited people skills, according to Robert Half International Inc., of Menlo Park, which developed the survey. READ: Survey: Industry experience trumps people skills in getting hired
When your dreamjob becomes a nightmare...
Jayson Blair, a previously unheard-of reporter, was about to become a national figure and enter the history books for all the wrong reasons. He had lied to an extraordinary degree on important national stories of the day. He had made up quotes, pretended he'd spoken to people he hadn't, invented entire stories - and he had done so on the front page of one of the most respected newspapers in America. READ: Jayson Blair: The full story
When ladies night is every day...
The face of the American small business community is changing. A recent study by the National Association for the Self-Employed shows that startups of women-owned businesses outnumbered new men-owned businesses by nearly a 2-1 ratio in 2003.
CLICK: Study reports women-owned startups outnumber men-owned businesses:
A shocking way to prepare for your interview...
Want to improve your verbal prowess before your next interview? Try a little electro shock therapy. Sound bizarre? Consider this...
A current of two thousandths of an ampere (a fraction of that needed to power a digital watch) applied for 20 minutes is enough to produce a significant improvement, according to data presented this week at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, held in San Diego. And apart from an itchy sensation around the scalp electrode, subjects in the trials reported no side-effects...
How long will it take to graduate?
Going back to school? Very good! Ever wonder how long it will take to actually graduate? Graduation Watch will you give the average amount of time it takes a student to graduate from their school. Check the school you are considering. The answer may surprise you.
If you are thinking of starting your own business, you may want to check this webiste out first. It may save you a lot of headache (and money). CLICK: Rip-off
As seen on Career Journal... Yay! Me...
It's said that if you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting the same results. This is too true for job hunters. How many times have you applied for a job through a career site and didn't get it? Now ask yourself, "How many others applied for that same position?" It isn't a small number.
Should this keep you from applying to jobs online? No, since job boards are a necessary part of the process. But if you only seek jobs that meet your exact qualifications, you're making a mistake. I'm not suggesting that you take a "shotgun" approach and apply for as many jobs as possible, hoping by some miraculous twist of fate you catch a recruiter's eye. But then again...
READ: Dig Deeper to Uncover The Greatest Job Leads by Jim Stroud.
Too busy to vote? Check this out...
Christine Bray can walk only six steps. On Tuesday, they'll take her to a voting booth.
"I'm not very mobile," she said. "But I wouldn't think of not voting."
Bray is recovering from hip and spinal injuries suffered in a July fall that immobilized her for weeks. She'll need a motorized wheelchair and special van to get to her polling place on Tuesday.
She could have voted absentee.
Poll workers would be happy to take her ballot out to the van.
She won't hear of it.
Let's talk about (the opposite) sex...
"Lynn Wasthoff used to interact almost entirely with women at work. Then earlier this year she switched from a job in payroll sales to become a business-relationship manager at a cleaning company and had to interact with mostly male facility managers.
The change was jarring. Ms. Westhoff says her confidence evaporated, and she often had trouble getting her points across to her new audience. 'They weren't responding, and I was freezing up,' she says."
READ: How a 60-Year-Old Landed A VP Job in 30 Days
Rich White didn't let his age, job level or location in a small city in central Washington state daunt him when he began job hunting full time in February. At 60, he landed a vice presidency job 30 minutes from his home in Wenatchee in less than a month, beating out 65 other candidates from New York, California and Texas.
"Being older and being here didn't hurt me," he says. "I just made a better presentation than the others did."
Offshoring saves money? Think again!
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) recently conducted a study on the effectiveness of offshoring financial functions on 127 European and United States companies. The results were mixed, but the outlook was eye-opening:
only 3% said they have saved a great deal
44% said they have saved a moderate amount
31% said they have saved only a little
9% believe they are breaking even; and
4% believe they are losing money"
READ: Problems With Cost Effectiveness in Offshoring Financial Jobs
seekers (and Recruiters), show your support for "The Job Seeker Manifesto"
Frustrated with your job search? Do something different! Read: The Job Search Strategist
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